Beyond the Lens XV - Framations, St. Charles, MO

My first place winning image from Beyond the Lens XIV

My first place winning image from Beyond the Lens XIV

I’m happy to say that three of my images have been selected for the Beyond the Lens XV exhibition at the Framations gallery in St. Charles, MO. The show is their yearly juried exhibition of photographic work of artists in the St. Louis region. I was fortunate enough to have had the above photo win first place in the exhibition last year. Here are the photos I submitted that were accepted with a brief story on how the photo came to be.

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Busch Wildlife Conservation Area Sunset

This is the perfect example of getting a shot you end up liking by serendipity. I had gone out to Busch with a very specific composition in mind, hoping to get nice light on a pair of trees on a very small island just to the right of this scene. The boats were messing up the composition I had in mind, but when I changed my perspective they provided a nice repetitious foreground to anchor beautiful colors in the sky and lake, and the wispy clouds give a little bit of balance to the scene that I really like.

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Reedy River Falls

Foggy mornings are the best. I took this shot while visiting my folks in Greenville, SC. My mom has an interest in photography and I convinced her to get up for sunset—she’s not a morning person—to see if we could get an interesting shot downtown. When she saw the weather she wanted to bail on it, but I convinced her flat light can sometimes be just as good as brilliant sky. This was also one of my first attempts at focus stacking, and I’m pretty happy with how it came out.

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Not a ton to say here. This is what happens when you get your first macro lens and you look to photograph anything you can. I used a basic single strobe light setup and focus stacked about 20 images to get the final result. I look forward to playing with this quite a bit more.


Brilliant Color II - Framations, St. Charles, MO